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Kenya is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Africa and has a number of world class national parks, hosts the annual wildebeest migration and has a fabulous coast line. The country has had a number of security issues which had a negative impact on tourist numbers for a while but with its tourism pedigree, it has recovered. People from around the globe come to experience the richness of both the Kenyan culture and its stunning parks with abundant wildlife. Kenya has seen the arrival of large numbers of tourists from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom, India, and China.

Is it Safe to Travel to Kenya?

While Kenya has seen its share of troubles, the crime rate in Kenya isn’t as high as some other countries in Africa. The Kenyan authorities have done a pretty good job of securing most locations and they have an impressive security setup. Also, airports and public places such as markets and shopping malls have seen an increase in police security.

Most of the crime in Kenya occurs in urban areas of the well-known cities and towns and these locations are not generally near safari destinations. Most of the time safari tourists will be transiting through these areas and their exposure will be limited. We have included a list of safety tips for cities in addition to safety tips on safari and some further information on health and vaccinations.

Kenya Safety Tips For Cities And Towns

  • Read the travel guidelines provided to you and follow the rules and suggestions made by your tour operator.
  • No matter what country you visit, you should always keep a copy of your passport and visa with you at all times.
  • Avoid walking alone or travelling in isolated areas and make sure that you are extra vigilant at night.
  • Store all your valuables including jewellery, original passport & visa and camera in your hotel’s safe box.
  • Bring only what you need for the trip.
  • In case you need to go out at night, book a taxi. But, if it isn’t urgent, do it the next day.

Kenya Safety Tips For Safaris

  • On a guided safari tour, follow the advice and rules set by your tour operator. They’ll take you to visit the prime wildlife locations and also look out for your well-being during the trip.
  • Tourists who intend to self-drive should read up on all the travel guidelines, including the ones about scaring and annoying animals.
  • Try to keep your excitement under control. Any interruptions could scare them, so ensure that you speak in a low voice when near them.
  • Animals can be unpredictable and the tour operator will keep you informed if you need to back away from an animal.
  • During the safari, do not put your head out of the window or stand on the roof or stand in the vehicles.
  • Keep the protective windows and doors shut at all times.
  • People who plan on camping should be aware of three things, which your guide will also inform you about before the trip.


  1. Food items aren’t to be left lying around, only carry what you need.
  2. Never forget to zip up your tent, no matter how quickly you think you’ll be back.
  3. Do not walk around at night.

Vaccinations Before Entering Kenya

When travelling to Kenya, vaccinations are of the utmost importance. Most of the vaccinations required for Kenya and surrounding African countries are similar.

  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine: Children, more importantly, infants (6 to 11 months old), need to get the MMR vaccine. Children, 12 months or older, can need two doses of MMR vaccine.
  • Hepatitis A and Typhoid Vaccines: Hepatitis A and Typhoid spread through contaminated food and water.
  • Cholera: People visiting Kenya from countries with active cholera transmission need to get this vaccine.
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: Hepatitis B can spread via blood, contaminated needles, and sexual contact.
  • Malaria Medicines and Preventions: Get in touch with your doctor for prescribed malaria medicines and to learn about preventive measures.
  • Meningitis Vaccine: Meningitis in common in Kenya during the dry season from December to June.
  • Rabies Vaccine: Rabies can be contracted from bats, dogs, and other mammals in Kenya.
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine: Yellow fever vaccine is required if you come from a country with the risk of yellow fever virus transmission.

It is very important to take the advice of the tour operator that you are booking your trip through as well as your local GP. For more information regarding these vaccinations, visit CDC guidelines.

Travel Advice For Kenya Safari Trips (Resources)